Game Screen Example

All great word games require strategies and Word Monaco is no exception. Try using one or more strategies to as you travel through the 75 levels.

Fleur BulletMake one large word to tie up several letters. This results in a smaller set of remaining letters to work with.

Fleur BulletKeep an open column or two to use as a place to mix letters. For example, if you have the letters 'STA' together, you can move the 'A' to the blank column, then the 'T' on top of it to make 'AT'. Then you can move the 'AT' on top of the 'S' to make 'SAT'.

Fleur BulletTry to build blends, such as 'STR', 'BR' 'SL", as they will lead to many words and use up levels that might be consonant heavy.

Fleur BulletSometimes you have to break up a perfectly good word to win. Your remaining letters may not make a word, so you will need to break up a word or two and remix them. You can always use the Undo button if breaking up the word does not work out.

Fleur BulletIf you collect a joker, place it at the end of a word. This keeps it readily available if needed near the end of the level, and prevents you from having to break up a word.

Fleur BulletUse "Undo" and "Redo" to explore different routes.