How to Play

Word Monaco Game Screen

Drag cards from column to column to create words vertically. Try to arrange all the cards into words. Watch a video demo

When moving a letter from one column to another, the linked letters either have to make a word or be working toward one. For example, you can put an 'H' on a 'T' to make 'TH' because many words start with 'TH'. But you cannot put an 'H' on another 'H' because no word starts with 'HH'.

You can move grouped letters. For example, you can move the letters 'OP' from 'STOP' and put them on an 'H' to make 'HOP'.

Words must be built in sequence. For example, if you want to make the word 'STING', each part must be on its way to a word. You can make 'TING' and then move those letters on an 'S', but you cannot make 'NG' because no word starts with 'NG'.

When a word is made that is in our word list, a diamond appears at the top of the column. If the diamond is green, then that word meets all the rules for the level. If the diamond is red, then not all the rules have been met. For example, if the word does not meet a minimal length requirement or the special card rule has not been met. You can click on the red diamond to see the rule for the level you are on.

Higher levels use special cards. These cards must each be in a separate word before the DONE button will become active. Thus it is fine to leave more than one special card in a word while you are playing, but in the end each must be in a separate word.

Our word list does not include proper names, acronyms, hyphenated words, or words with apostrophes or any other punctuation. It does include popular foreign words used in US culture and also the UK spelling of many words.

Watch for special level messages. They will explain changes that you will need to know to be successful.

There are a total of 75 levels. The game difficulty increases as you progress through the levels.


Each deck is more challenging than the last as you progress through the 75 levels.

Easy - Includes two jokers, which can be used as any letter. The more difficult letters are removed, such as Q and X.

Medium - Includes one joker, which can be used as any letter, and high-frequency letters.

Hard - Includes most of the alphabet, but without Q, Z, X, J, and V.

Expert - Includes the entire alphabet.

Champion - The entire alphabet, but with specific difficult letters showing up more often.

Power-Ups and Bonus Words

A Power Up is earned for each bonus word made. A Power Up is randomly awarded from those available for that level. The bonus word changes after each earned Power Up. If you have earned all the Power Ups possible for that level, the bonus word box will be empty. A Power Up can be used at any time after earned, but it can only be used once. You will have to earn it again to use it again. All unused Power Ups roll over to the next level.

Each Power Up is unique but falls into two groups, Power Ups that change one letter into another and Power Ups that increase the letters value.

Joker Power-Up

Joker - Can be used as any letter. Drop the Joker Power Up on the letter you want to change to a joker.

Vower Power-Up

Vowel - Will change one vowel to any vowel of your choosing. Drop the change Vowel Power Up on the vowel you want to change, and then select a new vowel. If the vowel you are changing is currently being used in a word, then the new vowel you select must also make a word or be the beginning of a word. If it does not make a word or the start of a word you will lose that Power Up.

Consonant Power-Up

Consonant - Will change one consonant to any consonant of your choosing. Drop the change Consonant Power Up on the consonant you want to change, and then select a new consonant. If the consonant you are changing is currently being used in a word, then the new consonant you select must also make a word or be the beginning of a word. If it does not make a word or the start of a word you will lose that Power Up.

multiplier Power-Up

Multipliers - Increases the letter value by multiplying its value by the Power Up. For example, putting a 5x multiplier on a letter whose value is 2 increases its value to 10. You can only use one multiplier per card. That is, if you multiply the card by 2, you cannot then multiply it by 5 or 10. Each multiplier can only be used once.


Your level score is determined by the total value of the words on the screen when the DONE button is selected. The word score is determined by adding up all the letter values making up that word then multiplying it. The longer the word the greater the multiplier. You can use the x2, x5, and x10 Power Ups to multiply the letter score, which increases the word score, which then increases the level score.

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