Game Menus

Main Menu

Word Monaco Title Screen Menu

You have several convienant menu choices on the main menu:

Play - Start a new game or continue your last game.

Change Player - Opens the sign-in screen. You can have friends and family members play their own game too.

Help - Launch these useful help pages on how to play.

Options - Show the Options menu. See below for specifics.

Scores - Opens the High Score and Statistics screen.

Quit - Closes the game, but please return soon.

Game Menu

Word Monaco Game Screen Menu

During the game you have a menu bar / game status bar on the left for the following:

Power-Up Arrows - Select left or right arrow buttons to view and use the power-ups you've earned.

Undo / Redo - "Undo" or "Redo" as many card moves as you like. This is a must use if you get stuck. See strategy tips for more help.

Done - When the level goal is met the "Done" button becomes active and you can select it to move to the next level.

Redeal - Start the entire level over with a new deck.

Menu - Opens the In-Game menu options.

In-Game Menu

Word Monaco In-Game Screen Menu

During the game you can enter the in-game menu by selecting the "Menu" button on the left-hand side of the screen and be presented with the following choices:

Resume - Return to the game.

Help - Launch these useful help pages on how to play.

Options - Show the Options menu. See options below for specfics.

Abort - Return to the Main Menu. Your current game is automatically saved.


Word Monaco Options Menu

Customize your gaming experience with these options:

Run Full Screen - Immerse yourself in Word Monaco sceneary by loading full screen. Uncheck to play in a window.

Allow Peeking - View face-down cards by selecting them. Even the most sophisticated player sometimes needs to peek.

Music Volume - Use the slider to set the desired volume.

Sound Effects Volume - Use the slider to set the desired volume.

Back - Return to the game with any changes saved.